SiteInspect Web Content Monitoring
A Patented Technology

Listed in the Mastercard Champion Program
This program is led by Mastercard and supported by Austreme to assist banks and payment service providers in China to offer a secure and compliant e-commerce payment service.
An Intelligent Merchant Web Content Monitoring
SiteInspect Web Content Monitoring is a unique solution for card schemes, acquirers and payment service providers to keep a close watch on products, services and general content classification of merchant websites. It helps to uncover the high-risk or illegal contents forbidden by card schemes’ rules such as Visa Integrity Risk Program (VIRP), MasterCard Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation (BRAM) as well as local laws.
With SiteInspect, risk management officers are able to identify the business nature of merchant websites at a quick glance and ensure merchant websites are in compliance with related rules.
The “Brand Discovery Mechanism” of SiteInspect has been granted a patent.
Patented Technology
The “Brand Discovery Mechanism” for web crawling of SiteInspect has been granted a patent.
Who Needs It?
- Acquirers
- Card Brands
- Brand Owners
Service Details

Benefits of Web Content Monitoring
Simplifying the time-consuming merchant compliance checks and investigation
Monitoring merchants with consistent and unified standard
- Detecting and preventing merchants from undergoing payment card transactions of illegal or high-risk businesses
Avoiding rule violations and penalties
Serving as a general merchant background check and technical KYC during underwriting process
Demonstrating positive business reputation and good brand protection
Taking timely actions on suspicious merchant sites

Technology Highlights
No installation is required
Classifying website content in multi-languages
Providing detailed history of merchant websites. For example, if a merchant website was previously determined as gambling category and the merchant is now selling apparel, such result can be traced in the site history
Fully integrated with MasterCard MMP reporting system: By default, this function is optional. User can opt-in to submit reports to MasterCard for BRAM violations by providing formal instruction to Austreme
- Supporting over 30 languages

High-Risk Web Content Under Monitoring:
Illegal sale of drugs that are prohibited by applicable law from being sold
Illegal sale of prescription drugs
Illegal sale of tobacco products
Brand-damaging sale of images of offensive and / or non-consensual adult pornography
Illegal sale of images of child exploitation
Facilitation of unregistered DWOs, binary option trades, Internet gambling, lottery courier services and / or Daily Fantasy Sports in jurisdictions where it is illegal
Sale of goods or services in violation of intellectual property rights
Sale of illegal electronic devices (such as mobile repeaters (UK), circumvention devices, modification chips and jammers)
Sale of certain types of drugs or chemicals (such as synthetic drugs, salvia divinorum, psilocybin mushrooms and spores, and nitrite inhalants)
Sale of counterfeit, unapproved and / or expired medical and dental devices
Proxy avoidance services to circumvent rules or regulations related to IP address blocking
Illegal wildlife trade
Illegal sale of any other products or services and more …