Merchant KYB
and Transaction
Monitoring API

Take Control of Merchant and Transaction Monitoring
with Austreme Monitoring API

Monitor your merchant websites seamlessly using our SiteInspect API
Flexible Control
Take advantage of Transaction Laundering Detection API to easily identify any suspicious merchant activity
Operational Efficiency
Reduce time spent manually monitoring and evaluating merchant risk
daily monitoring sites
hour monitoring
API Details

- Reducing manual effort and operation cost
Mitigating business, reputation and financial risks
Taking timely actions on suspicious merchant sites
Mitigating human errors of manual checking
Seamless and simple API integration
- Integrate into your own risk system
- Single client interface with additional features after implementing our API

Simple Risk Management Lifecycle
Register all contracted IDs, URLs and MCCs
Detect unauthorized URLs, either shared account or aggregated transactions
Alert authorized personnel to investigate, report content includes:
Merchant name (with assigned merchant ID)
Violation type
Violation category
URL content details
Investigate report findings
Date of findings resolved
Investigate findings and final resolution status

High-Risk Content Under Monitoring:
Illegal sale of drugs that are prohibited by applicable law from being sold
Illegal sale of prescription drugs
Illegal sale of tobacco products
Brand-damaging sale of images of offensive and / or non-consensual adult pornography
Illegal sale of images of child exploitation
Facilitation of unregistered DWOs, binary option trades, Internet gambling, lottery courier services and / or Daily Fantasy Sports in jurisdictions where it is illegal
Sale of goods or services in violation of intellectual property rights
Sale of illegal electronic devices (such as mobile repeaters (UK), circumvention devices, modification chips and jammers)
Sale of certain types of drugs or chemicals (such as synthetic drugs, salvia divinorum, psilocybin mushrooms and spores, and nitrite inhalants)
Sale of counterfeit, unapproved and / or expired medical and dental devices
Proxy avoidance services to circumvent rules or regulations related to IP address blocking
Illegal wildlife trade
Illegal sale of any other products or services and more …