Visa诚信风险计划 (VIRP) 将取代Visa现行的全球品牌保护计划 (GBPP),并随后将“高诚信风险商户”这一术语取代当前的“高品牌风险商户”。VIRP旨在通过确保收单机构和指定代理商保持适当的控制和监督流程,保护Visa的支付系统免受欺诈交易的侵害。

Visa诚信风险计划 (VIRP)要点:

  • 高诚信风险分为三个级别,每个级别都需遵守适当的尽职调查要求
  • 任何高诚信风险收单机构和指定代理商在接纳受VIRP影响的商户之前,必须事先获得Visa的批准
  • 对于第一级别(Tier 1)类别的每个MCC,需分别获得批准
  • 获得第一级别(Tier 1)类别批准将涵盖第二级别(Tier 2)和第三级别(Tier 3)类别。同样地,获得第二级别(Tier 2)类别批准将涵盖第三级别(Tier 3)类别
  • 在高诚信风险类别下运营的商户必须由其高诚信风险收单机构通过高诚信风险注册(HIRR)系统进行注册;此前称为高风险商户(HRM)注册系统
  • 高诚信风险收单机构将接受Visa的控制评估
  • 从2023年6月起,Visa欺诈监控计划(VFMP)和Visa争议监控计划(VDMP)将更新,以反映新的高诚信风险MCC


VIRP高诚信风险商户类别代码 (MCCs): 

第一级别5967 – Direct Marketing – Inbound Teleservices Merchant
7273 – Dating Services
7995 – Betting, including Lottery Tickets, Casino Gaming Chips, Off-Track Betting, Wagers at Race Tracks and games of chance to win prizes of monetary value
5122 – Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries
5912 – Drug Stores and Pharmacies
第二级别6051 – Non-Financial Institutions – Foreign Currency, Non-Fiat Currency (e.g., Cryptocurrency), Money Orders (Not Money Transfer), Account Funding (not Stored Value Load), Travelers Cheques, and Debt Repayment
6012 – Financial Institutions – Merchandise, Services, and Debt Repayments
4816 – Computer Network / Information Services
5816 – Digital Goods – Games
第三级别6211 – Security Brokers / Dealers
5966 – Direct Marketing – Outbound Telemarketing Merchant
5968 – Direct Marketing – Continuity / Subscription Merchant
5993 – Cigar Stores and Stands



有关商户类别和最新的VIRP信息的更多详情,请访问Visa Online上的全球品牌保护计划页面。

